Breast implants (breast prosthesis)

Breast implants (breast prosthesis)

Dissatisfied with the size and shape of your breasts? Then breast implants are a good idea. Silicone breasts will give you a beautiful bosom! From small to large breast implants, we adjust the size to your wishes and what suits your body. Read everything you want to know about breast implants here or schedule an appointment at Wellness Kliniek.

Are silicone breast implants safe?

Silicone implants consisting of a single block of highly cohesive (solid) silicone gel are preferred at Wellness Kliniek. With certain brands of silicone implants, the shell (envelope) is also made of a single piece. The closure has no sutures or welds. With this type of implant, the risk of leakage is thus virtually eliminated, making monobloc silicone implants among the best, safest breast implants on the market.

At Wellness Kliniek, the suppliers and quality of breast implants are critically evaluated. The clinic guarantees safety and quality of care and implants with ISO quality certification. So you are in safe hands.

The best clinic for breast implants

If you opt for silicone breasts, you will naturally want to be sure of a good clinic. The surgeons at Wellness Kliniek have specialised in breast augmentation with silicone implants for many years and will give you professional advice, so that cup size and implant shape are perfectly matched to your wishes and your body.

Breast implants, also known as breast prostheses, have been the speciality at Wellness Kliniek for over 25 years. Meanwhile, thousands of successful breast augmentations with implants have already been performed.

Wellness Kliniek Belgium has been number 1 for breast augmentation with breast implants for years. The surgeons at Wellness Kliniek perform more than 3,000 breast augmentations a year and, year after year, won the Award after (independent) research by WhatClinic for best patient experience.

Wellness Kliniek Barcelona also opened in 2021. Both sites attract many international happy patients every year.

Read patient experiences

Types of breast implants

Thanks to new technologies and medical research, many different breast implants have been developed. However, finding information about different breast prostheses can be confusing. We understand that you have questions about breast prostheses and choosing breast implants. To make it easy for you, we will help you with some questions and tips below.

Frequently asked questions about placing breast prostheses

We have collected the most frequently asked questions about breast prostheses at Wellness Kliniek for you. Is your question not among them? Then get in touch with us.

What are the best breast implants?

There are three types of breast implants: silicone implants, hydrogel or saline breast implants (saline implants). Most ladies opt for silicone breast implants. Silicone implants are soft, even when touched. They give the breast an attractive shape and feel most like natural breast tissue.

Modern silicone implants, of good quality, are also safe. They have a strong and reliable shell. They are also filled with a firm silicone mass. This does not leak into the body if the shell were to rupture.


Anatomical implants or round prosthesis behind muscle?

Anatomical implants (also known as drop-shaped implants) and round breast prosthesis for behind the muscle, are the most commonly used implants for breast augmentation.

Drop-shaped implants / drop-shaped anatomical prostheses are mainly used in reconstructive breast augmentation after mastectomy. This is when the natural shape of the breast has been lost.

Round implants / round prostheses for behind the muscle are usually preferred for aesthetic breast augmentation. Round implants (round prosthesis) behind the muscle or those placed dual plane are softer and feel more natural than the harder drop-shaped implants.

Anatomical implants or round prosthesis behind muscle

Why are round breast prostheses behind the muscle often preferred?
  1. If a drop-shaped implant rotates over time, the shape of the breasts changes. They are then no longer symmetrical. If a round implant rotates, the appearance of the breasts does not change.
  2. The centre of gravity of a drop-shaped implant is lower than its physical centre (the midpoint). It is also lower than the nipple. You therefore have a greater chance of the breasts drooping with this.
  3. The most beautiful and natural shape is achieved with round implants. Modern round silicone implants take on an anatomical and natural shape when you stand.
Size and profile of breast implants: low, medium, high or extra-high profile?

The size of breast implants is usually indicated in cubic centimetres (cc) and a profile. Most manufacturers offer implants in four different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high.

profile of breast implants

Looking at the image above, you can see that the implant appears smaller as the profile gets higher. Yet the volume remains the same.

The width and height of an implant play a bigger role in the result than the volume of the silicone prosthesis. This is where the surgeon's trained eye (and a bit of maths) comes in to help you during your consultation.

Arion Monobloc | Motiva implants?
  • Arion's Monoboc SoftOne implant is often the go-to implant at Wellness Kliniek. Made in France, the top-quality implant is key to our MIBIS technique. For the implant to fit through a 2 to 3-centimetre incision, it must be highly elastic, hold its shape well and certainly not tear. The extra safety properties combined with a soft and natural "feel" makes the Arion implants the best quality.
  • Other quality prosthetics are the Motiva implants from Establishment Labs. This Costa Rica-based company has rapidly gained popularity worldwide. The implants are harder and stiffer than the European-made Arion implants and are therefore less suitable for our MIBIS technique. Motiva implants are preferred for our patients who like very large breast implants, larger than 550 cc.

Of course, there are more brands of breast implants. However, the surgeons at Wellness Kliniek stick to top-quality manufacturers.

Specific features of breast implant brands and models are not necessarily better than another. However, there is such a thing as the best breast implant for you. You determine this together during the consultation at Wellness Kliniek with an experienced and specialised surgeon. Of course, in accordance with your desired result and your physique.

We are very committed to always offering the best quality. That is why we always offer all brands at the same price. Another thing that makes Wellness Kliniek unique!

Frequently asked questions about breast implants

When to choose breast implants?

Breast implants offer good results when the breast and nipple are positioned above the breast fold. With silicone breasts, you get a fuller silhouette. If your breasts are currently flabby and droopy (from Grade 1 onwards), a breast lift combined with breast implants offers a solution. The specialised doctors at Wellness Kliniek know from experience what suits your body best and provide professional advice.

Can I choose the shape of my breast implants myself in breast augmentation?

Yes, you can. In fact, apart from the volume increase, the final result is also determined by the profile (projection) of the implant. Silicone breast prostheses come in round low profile, round high profile, round extra high profile, anatomical, drop-shaped. Of course, you will be advised on what suits your needs and what fits your body.

What are the best silicone implants?

Every body is different, as are the needs of each person. We offer different types and brands of breast implants (such as Laboratoires Arion, Mentor and Motiva prostheses).

There is no such thing as a best brand of breast implant, but there is a best brand of implant for you (fitting your needs and physique). The Wellness Kliniek surgeon will discuss this with you during the consultation.

Does a round prosthesis behind the muscle give the best result?

From our experience, the most beautiful shape for breast augmentation (according to patients) can be achieved with round implants. You won't see these under the skin and glandular tissue. Depending on your wishes, you choose a low, high or extra-high projection.

The round silicone prosthesis can be implanted above or below the muscle. A mixed pocket (dual plane) often gives the best results. The surgeon will inform you about what suits your body; this is different for everyone.

What does dual plane mean in silicone denture placement?

In the dual plane method of breast implant placement, most of the round silicone prosthesis is placed behind the pectoral muscle. The surgeons at Wellness Kliniek prefer to use this technique because of the beautiful result and the least risk of capsule formation after surgery.

When do prostheses descend?

The surgeons at Wellness Kliniek place the breast prostheses in the right place, but due to muscle action, they will sit higher for the first six months. This is a normal process and is even part of achieving the most beautiful end result.

You will wear a special supportive or sports bra for 6 weeks after breast augmentation. During the next 6 months, prostheses will sink in and the final result of breast augmentation with implants will be visible.

Longevity of silicone implants: how long do breast implants last?

Silicone breast implants from European manufacturers have a 10-year warranty against leakage and the manufacturers recommend changing the prosthesis after 10 years. Although the surgeons at Wellness Kliniek recommend an implant change every 10 years, there are also many clients at Wellness Kliniek who have had the same (Monobloc) silicone implants for over 20 years without any problems.

If you have doubts about the quality or age of your breast prosthesis, you can also come to Wellness Kliniek for breast implant replacement.

Why remove implants with liquid silicone?

Liquid silicone leakage is a hotly debated issue. Although scientific studies show that it poses no health hazard, caution is still called for. Implants filled with liquid silicone gel are strongly discouraged by the surgeons at Wellness Kliniek. Implants (with solid gel) whose silicone shell has adhesive seams are also not ideal.

It is best to have implants with liquid silicone gel removed and replaced by monobloc (solid silicone) implants. At the consultation, the surgeons at Wellness Kliniek will be happy to inform you about the breast implant and the quality standards.

Is there a recall on breast prostheses?

Wellness Kliniek has never known a recall for silicone breast prostheses. For 25 years, our surgeons have preferred silicone prostheses made from one solid silicone block. This virtually eliminates the risk of silicone leaking into the body. In addition, a silicone breast prosthesis must be strong yet highly elastic, so that it looks good and does not tear easily on impact.

Which are the best silicone implants?

Implants consisting of a single block (solid silicone gel) are preferred at Wellness Kliniek. With certain brands of silicone implants, the shell is made in one piece (have no sutures). Due to the highly cohesive (solid) silicone filling, the contents do not leak. This type of implant therefore virtually eliminates the risk of leakage, making monobloc-made silicone implants among the best, safest breast implants on the market.

At Wellness Kliniek, we have an ISO quality management system in place. European-made monobloc implants are preferred at Wellness Kliniek

Are silicone breasts safe?

It was never scientifically proven that silicone breasts caused conditions such as breast cancer, rheumatism or immune disorders. However, it was the case with some silicone implants that they were filled with a running silicone gel. If one then got a crack in the shell of the implant, the gel could leak out and spread in the body.

The safest silicone breast implants have a solid silicone wall and are filled with a solid (cohesive) silicone mass. If the wall cracks, the silicone does not leak out.

Want silicone breasts? Choose a reliable doctor and clinic with an official quality seal. A quality certificate from the clinic is the best guarantee of safe surgery and good-quality silicone breast implants.

Can I replace my current implants?

Yes! If you are dissatisfied or in doubt about the quality of your current silicone breast implants, it is a good idea to replace the implants. After 10 years, the warranty on implants expires. You can have these breast implants removed by the surgeons at Wellness Kliniek and replaced with newer quality breast implants. In doing so, you can also enlarge or reduce the size of the cup.

Is it possible to remove my implants?

Yes, implant removal or a prosthesis change is among the options. After breast augmentation (with good quality implants), the surgeon can easily remove the breast implants and replace them if required. If you have previously had breast implants at Wellness Kliniek, you can rest assured. The procedure implants removal is quick and efficient.

Removing leaking, (liquid) silicone implants after rupture can become an extensive one- to two-hour operation. This is because the surgeon needs more time to remove running silicone from the breast.

At the consultation at Wellness Kliniek, you will discuss with the surgeon why you want to remove your breast implants. Your questions and wishes will be discussed in detail.

If you still remember which implants (brand and serial number) you had fitted at the time, bring this information along to the initial consultation. Do you have an MRI scan that shows rupture? If so, bring this information to the consultation. If you previously received implants at Wellness Kliniek and now wish to have the implants removed or a denture change, we have all the information and you can be scheduled for surgery immediately.

Which implants have a safety warning?

The Dutch Health Care and Youth Inspectorate, part of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), published a list of warnings about breast implants that involve or have involved problems in the production process, administrative shortcomings or fraud.

At Wellness Kliniek, we do not use, and have never offered, the implants listed below. Safety is of paramount importance at Wellness Kliniek. The implants we do use, Motiva implants and Arion Monobloc implants, have been extensively tested and have all the necessary certifications.

Still worried or do you have implants from the list below? Then contact us for consultation and advice.

The list of the Dutch Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate, part of the Dutch Ministry of Health, currently consists, anno 2024, of the following implants:

  • Mentor Smooth Round Saline Implant: Due to a manufacturing defect in a small portion of the implants, theoretically they may leak. As these implants are filled with a saline solution, this filling is not harmful to the body.
  • B-Lite implant: The CE certifcate (a marking that a product meets EU requirements for safety, health and environmental protection) was suspended for this implant in January 2021 after an investigation by the French regulator because particles of the filling material were found on the surface of the breast implants. The French manufacturer reportedly took sufficient measures and the suspension was therefore lifted in August 2021. In addition, there is no evidence that the particles pose a health risk.
  • Allergan with Biocell coating: Has not been sold on the European market since December 2018 and since 2019 in Canada, Australia and the US. Removal is not necessary as surgery also poses risks, but a doctor should be contacted in case of complaints or changes.
  • Silimed implants: Have not been sold on the European market since 2016 because, among other things, fibreglass particles have been found on the surface of the implant.
  • Cereplas Cereform implants: Due to administrative problems, the CE certificate for these implants was suspended in 2014, preventing the implants from being sold within the EU. Cereplas is now bankrupt and the certificate therefore remains permanently invalid.
  • PIP (Poly Implant Prothèse) implants: This manufacturer used industrial silicones for these implants that were not approved for medical use. In addition, PIP falsified documents and misled regulators. The implants were therefore withdrawn from the market. The Dutch Society of Plastic Surgeons (NVPC) recommends replacing these implants as they have an increased risk of early rupture.
  • Rofil M-Implants: The above PIP implants were sold in the Netherlands under the name M-Implants, among others, therefore these too have been withdrawn from the market. Again, the Dutch Society of Plastic Surgeons (NVPC) recommends replacing these implants as they have an increased risk of early rupture.

I have additional questions about breast implants, where can I ask them?

The surgeons at Wellness Kliniek are happy to give you transparent information. All your questions will be answered during a no-obligation consultation, so that you can then decide whether silicone breast implants suit you.

Book ONLINE or call for an appointment.

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Do you have any before and after pictures of breast implants?

Absolutely! We are proud of the results and would like to share them with you. We have collected some breast implant before and after photos for you on one page. See round implants before and after, and drop implants before and after.

Breast Augmentation before and after photos

What are the costs of breast implants?

Are you curious about the price for silicone breasts? The cost for breast implants up to 500cc is € 2995 and larger than 500cc € 3850.

Prices for breast implants at Wellness Kliniek are all-inclusive, including sleep anaesthesia, anaesthetist and surgeon fees, aftercare and breast implant warranty.

Breast Augmentation prices

Breast Augmentation prices

Book a no-obligation consultation for breast implants

Would you like to have breast implants placed or would you like help making your choice? Then we invite you to book a no-obligation consultation at Wellness Kliniek. The surgeons will advise you in detail about your options. So you know where you stand and what to expect.

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