Check out all our prices for cosmetic aesthetic dentistry in Belgium.
We can offer treatments at extremely competitive prices because of our high volume of patients.

Crowns - Pin teeth
1 Crown porcelain on metal: white gold alloy 50% 590
1 Crown procera zirconia porcelain: metal free 750
A root pin with cap without a crown 150
Digital design of a titanium support with screwed fixed teeth (full jaw) 6000
Producing a substructure in titanium (digital) and natural zirconium crown 1000
Producing a substructure in zirconium (digital) and zirconium natural crown 1000
Provisional crown per element plastic 30
Zircomium tooth cemented to a naturally cut root 650

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All prices are valid till 31/10/2024.

What are the costs of a crown?

Are you considering having one or more crowns fitted, for example, because you suffer from a dead or rotten tooth or because you want a beautiful smile like a film star? At Wellness Kliniek, we like to be transparent about the rates and we use a fixed price for each dental crown. You will find the current rates in the price list above.

Costs of implant with crown at Wellness Kliniek

Fixed and competitive all-in dental crown prices, that is what Wellness Kliniek aims for. The cost of placing a crown depends on the type of crown. Our page on dental implant treatment gives you extensive information but below, we will summarise it for you.

Types of dental crowns

You can choose from a porcelain on metal crown with white gold alloy 50% and a metal-free Procera zirconium porcelain crown. Both types are top quality. You can view before and after pictures of dental crowns here. A crown not only strengthens and aesthetically improves teeth, it is even possible to adjust the dental arch so your teeth are aligned again.

The porcelain on metal crown is built on a metal frame and the tooth is imitated on top of that, using porcelain. The colour of the tooth perfectly matches the rest of your teeth by determining it on the basis of a tooth colour chart. 

The Procera zirconium porcelain crown is manufactured using CAD/CAM technology. This computer technology makes it possible to design the crown in detail and attune it to your existing set of teeth. The material is slightly translucent, which ensures the colour adapts perfectly to the colour of your existing teeth, so a very natural result can be achieved. The Procera dental crown contains aluminium oxide, which is super-strong and ensures the longest lifespan. At least 20 years, but if you practise good oral hygiene, it may even last a lifetime!

Which kind of crown to choose?

As you can see in our current price table, the porcelain on metal crown is one of the relatively inexpensive dental crowns, while the Procera zirconium crowns are slightly more expensive. The reason for this is the process involved in developing the crown. 

In terms of appearance, we recommend the Procera crown, because it perfectly mirrors your existing teeth and ensures a natural result. However, if it concerns a barely visible molar at the back of your mouth, a porcelain on metal crown is also an excellent solution. Our dentists will of course talk to you to see what suits you best, so you can be sure you are making the right choice.

No-obligation consultation at Wellness Kliniek

We can well imagine that you find it difficult to know how to get the teeth you dream of. One of two types of crowns, dental implants, facings or perhaps a full set of click dentures? The Wellness Kliniek specialists are happy to give you personal advice, so you can proudly show that beautiful smile again. Contact us and make an appointment. Of course, we also give you a transparent overview of the costs of your dental treatment, so you know what to expect in advance.

All inclusive

Our prices are all-inclusive: admission, medical fees, anaesthetic and all aftercare following the procedure.

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Book your appointment 24/7 with our online booking and payment tool and get a 50% discount on your consultation. 

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Free procedure if any problems occur within a year of the original operation being performed. Also, any additional intake consultation is free of charge. 

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On this website you will find extensive information, both on plastic surgery treatment and plastic surgery prices. Do you still have questions or would you like to know specifically what we can do for you? And what results you can expect after a particular procedure? Get in touch to book a no-obligation consultation.

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