brazilian butt lift thick buttocks are in wellness kliniek social club

Round buttocks are in

Don't have the attractive buttocks you want? Age, gravity and weight fluctuations change your buttocks. Often, you can't reform your buttocks by dieting and exercising.

blog 09/02/2022 by Barbra

We all know the situation: you spend hours every week at the gym and follow a strict diet, but you still don't get the results you want. Are you also dreaming of beautiful buttocks, but none of your efforts seem to work? Then we have good news. A Brazilian Butt Lift or a lift with buttock implants may be the ideal solution.

Dreaming of buttocks like Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez or Kim Kardashian?

Both the Brazilian Butt Lift and the lift with buttock implants are becoming increasingly popular. The buttocks of beautiful women have never been so glorified. More and more women choose to have their butts lifted. Think, for example, of the marriage of British Crown Prince William and Kate Middleton. Kate's sister Pippa in particular attracted all the attention because of her beautiful buttocks. Big stars such as Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are also known for their shapely bums. Some even claim that Jennifer Lopez had her derriere insured. Although it is mainly women who opt for a buttock augmentation, also known as "buttock enlargement", men also have their buttocks surgically augmented.

What is a butt lift?

Over the years, the shape of your buttocks can change. Age, gravity and weight fluctuations are all factors that influence this. Thanks to a butt lift, you can enjoy buttocks that do not lose their beautiful shape. There are several options available. You can choose for a fat lift or a buttock lift with implants.

A butt lift with your own fat is also called a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). But what exactly is a BBL operation? A Brazilian Butt Lift involves having your buttocks sculpted by one of our specialised surgeons to create a healthy figure with curves. This procedure is also known as a natural buttock augmentation, a BBL operation, a lipo BBL or a buttock augmentation with your own fat. This is because we move fat from your abdomen or hips to your buttocks to enlarge them. This process is also known as liposuction with liposculpture or lipofilling.

A buttock implant lift, on the other hand, uses implants to reshape and resize your buttocks. If you feel your buttocks are too small, too flat or have lost their firmness, a buttock implant lift may be a suitable procedure. The implants are inserted through a small incision, leaving minimal scarring.

A butt lift: the procedure

In general, the Brazilian Butt Lift is not a major operation. Via liposuction, excess fat cells are removed from your abdomen or hips and used to enlarge your buttocks. In other words, we move the fat from your abdomen to your buttocks. So abdominal liposuction is actually included in this procedure. After the procedure, the abdominal fat sits in your buttocks. A win-win situation.

The fat is first purified into healthy fat, which is then used for fillings. Your buttocks are thus enlarged using your body's own material, which keeps complications to a minimum. During the operation, intravenous sleep anaesthesia is used, which means you do not feel any pain and you can sleep for a while. Next, small incisions of approximately 3 mm are made and fat tissue is sucked out via a thin cannula until the desired result is achieved. The purified fat is then injected into the buttocks. Approximately 200 to 250 cc of fat can be injected per buttock. Afterwards, the incisions are closed with soluble stitches.

A lift with buttock implants is generally not an invasive procedure. The operation takes about an hour. At Wellness Kliniek, we use the latest anaesthetic and surgical techniques to make the buttock lift with implants even safer and less invasive. The implants are inserted through a small incision of approximately 4 mm. The advantage of this is that scarring can be minimised. The incisions are then closed with soluble stitches. After the operation, you will wear a light compression bandage for maximum result.

A butt lift: the recovery process

Because a Brazilian Butt Lift is only a minor procedure, recovery is usually quick. Most patients recover within three to six days. However, you must follow the post-operative guidelines. Your buttocks may be a little sensitive after the operation. Painkillers may provide relief. You should also wear compression garments to help the healing process and move around a lot. After all, good blood circulation promotes the recovery process.

The recovery process for a lift with buttock implants, on the other hand, can take a bit longer. Patients usually recover within two to four weeks and the final result is seen after about three months. With this procedure too, you must follow the surgeon's post-operative guidelines. For example, you should not drive a car and you must be able to count on someone for the first 24 hours after the operation. Depending on the type of operation, you may have to return for a follow-up consultation.

At Wellness Kliniek, we are at your service day and night. Our specialised team of doctors and staff will advise and assist you throughout the recovery process.

Going for the buttocks of your dreams?

While some people dream of big buttocks, others only want a rather subtle result. Depending on your wishes, we will go for the procedure and the result that suits you best. During an initial consultation, we discuss the desired result and determine whether you qualify for one of these two procedures. More details about the procedure are also discussed with the doctor during this consultation